MTR Industrial Separations offers a variety of solutions for industrial processes which improve efficiency and reduce carbon footprint. Our solutions are modular, scalable and tailored to your specific separation needs. For monomer recovery in polyolefin plants, hydrogen recovery, LPG recovery, syngas upgrading, or CO2 removal from natural gas, MTR has the membrane for you.
About MTR
Since its beginnings in 1982, MTR has grown continuously as industry embraced membranes as an effective gas separation technology.
learn more about mtrWhy choose MTR
30+ Years
Experience -
Market Leader
in Hydrocarbon
Separation -
Business -
development -
Find here the MTR Sales Agents

Sales Agents
Mexico :
Javier Hernandez, Monterrey
Tel: + 52 81 8397-0826
Fax: + 52 81 8397-0829
USA and Canada - All States :
Membrane Technology and Research, Inc
Contact Appropriate Product Area Lead
Tel: 1-650-328-2228
Sales Agents
Argentina :
BioPar SRL
Hugo Bibiloni, Buenos Aires
Tel/Fax +54 221 484 6982
Cell: +54 9221 573 8747
Brazil :
BRAX Consultoria e Representações Ltda. Marco Antonio Romero
Rio de Janeiro
Tel: + 55 21 3602 3943
Cel: + 55 21 9859 9689
Colombia :
Hugo Tribin, Bogota
Tel: +57 1 621-05-44
Sales Agents
China :
Yong Wu
MTR China
Tel: +86 21 50897870
Fax: +86 21 50897870
India :
Mixrite Engineering Pvt. Ltd
Bharat Kumbhani, Mumbai
Tel: + 91 22 32935534
Mobile: 98331 02336
Fax: + 91 22 2836 5726
Korea :
Soha International
S. Y. Shin, Seoul
Tel: + 82 2 564 9470 2
Fax: + 82 2 564 4554
Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia): :
Flexisolve Technology
Tan Choon Chye, Singapore
Tel: + 65 67 43 5866
Fax: + 65 67 45 3758
Taiwan :
Eurotek Development
Jack Kuo
Tel: + 886 2 2731 1148
Fax: + 886 2 2731 1146
Vietnam :
Katok Corporation
Koichi Kato
Tel: + 81-90-1259-3478
Sales Agents
For All Africa Countries Please contact Head Office :
39630 Eureka Drive
Newark, CA 94560
Tel: +16503282228
Sales Agents
Israel :
Intrater & Associates
Jacob Intrater
Tel: + 972 3 629 29 65
Fax: + 972 3 528 80 08
Turkey :
Kalkavan Group
Kagan Kalkavan, Istanbul
Tel: +90 212 259 26 47
United Arab Emirates :
Safe Technical Supply Co. LLC.
Arpit Dehade
Tel: +971 55 607 8667
+971 4 277 0722
Fax: +971 4 324 3786
Sales Agents
Sales Agents
All European Countries except Russia :
Marc Schurmans
MTR Brussels, Belgium
tel 32-2-6336751
mob 32-495-223834
Russia :
Vladimir Isaev, Moscow
Mob.: +7 916 984-50-00
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan :
Sales Agents
For Australia Please contact Head Office:
39630 Eureka Drive
Newark, CA 94560
Tel: +16503282228