Contact Us
1-650 328 2228 (Main Line)
Employment Verifications: 1-650-543-3347 -
Corporate Headquarters
Membrane Technology and Research, Inc.
39630 Eureka Drive Newark, CA 94560 -
650 328 6580
VP - Commercial Operations
Kaaeid Lokhandwala
Phone : 650 543 3360
Email :
Find here the MTR Sales Agents

Sales Agents
Mexico :
Javier Hernandez, Monterrey
Tel: + 52 81 8397-0826
Fax: + 52 81 8397-0829
USA and Canada - All States :
Membrane Technology and Research, Inc
Contact Appropriate Product Area Lead
Tel: 1-650-328-2228
Sales Agents
Argentina :
BioPar SRL
Hugo Bibiloni, Buenos Aires
Tel/Fax +54 221 484 6982
Cell: +54 9221 573 8747
Brazil :
BRAX Consultoria e Representações Ltda. Marco Antonio Romero
Rio de Janeiro
Tel: + 55 21 3602 3943
Cel: + 55 21 9859 9689
Colombia :
Hugo Tribin, Bogota
Tel: +57 1 621-05-44
Sales Agents
China :
Yong Wu
MTR China
Tel: +86 21 50897870
Fax: +86 21 50897870
India :
Mixrite Engineering Pvt. Ltd
Bharat Kumbhani, Mumbai
Tel: + 91 22 32935534
Mobile: 98331 02336
Fax: + 91 22 2836 5726
Korea :
Soha International
S. Y. Shin, Seoul
Tel: + 82 2 564 9470 2
Fax: + 82 2 564 4554
Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia): :
Flexisolve Technology
Tan Choon Chye, Singapore
Tel: + 65 67 43 5866
Fax: + 65 67 45 3758
Taiwan :
Eurotek Development
Jack Kuo
Tel: + 886 2 2731 1148
Fax: + 886 2 2731 1146
Vietnam :
Katok Corporation
Koichi Kato
Tel: + 81-90-1259-3478
Sales Agents
For All Africa Countries Please contact Head Office :
39630 Eureka Drive
Newark, CA 94560
Tel: +16503282228
Sales Agents
Israel :
Intrater & Associates
Jacob Intrater
Tel: + 972 3 629 29 65
Fax: + 972 3 528 80 08
Turkey :
Kalkavan Group
Kagan Kalkavan, Istanbul
Tel: +90 212 259 26 47
United Arab Emirates :
Safe Technical Supply Co. LLC.
Arpit Dehade
Tel: +971 55 607 8667
+971 4 277 0722
Fax: +971 4 324 3786
Sales Agents
All European Countries except Russia :
Marc Schurmans
MTR Brussels, Belgium
tel 32-2-6336751
mob 32-495-223834
Russia :
Vladimir Isaev, Moscow
Mob.: +7 916 984-50-00
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan :
Sales Agents
For Australia Please contact Head Office:
39630 Eureka Drive
Newark, CA 94560
Tel: +16503282228