A modular and environmentally friendly capture solution well suited for retrofit applications.
MTR’s PolarCap™ process
Coal-fired power plants are the largest point-source emitters of CO2 with thousands of plants in operation worldwide. There is a growing need to mitigate their emissions as countries pursue options to meet their decarbonization goals. Carbon capture and storage is the only option for reducing CO2 emissions from coal plants while preserving their operation. Membranes have emerged as a compelling capture technology which offer distinct advantages over amine-based capture alternatives. They are simple, compact, and are environmentally-friendly with no emissions. Requiring only electricity for operation, membranes are well suited for retrofit application.
Membrane Solution

MTR’s PolarCap™ process is based on our proven and innovative Polaris™ polymeric membrane; Polaris is the first commercial membrane developed specifically for CO2 capture applications. Polaris has been validated in extensive field testing and commercial operation over the past decade.
Membranes perform a passive separation of CO2 using a difference in pressures provided by blowers and pumps. There are no chemical reactions. Unlike amine-based capture processes which require large amounts of steam to strip CO2 from loaded solvent, MTR’s capture process is driven entirely by electricity. Membrane skids are compact and modular which enables capture systems to be fit into existing plants with little available space.
MTR has two design variations for coal fired power plant; one for high CO2 removal rates (90%) and a second for partial capture rates (~60%). Where a high capture rate is not required, the lowest cost-of-capture is often achieved with partial capture using a simple, “end of the tailpipe” solution:
- No use of chemicals, so no chemical handing or emissions issues
- Modular membrane units are scalable, compact, and easily configurable for retrofit applications
- Simple and passive operation
- Fast response time and excellent turn down
- Low maintenance and operator requirements
- No steam use; minimal/low cooling water requirements/use

MTR’s CO2 capture demonstration unit operating adjacent to two amine-based capture systems of similar capacity at the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) in Alabama.
System Performance
- System size: 1 tonne CO2/day and up.
- CO2 capture rate up to 90%, most economical ~50-60% capture rate.
- Produces high purity liquid CO2
Application Options
- Coal fired power plants
- Natural gas fired boilers and turbines: NGCC, OTSG, CHP plants
- Fossil fueled industrial plants: cement, steel, waste-to-energy, refinery
- Biogas sources: digesters, fermenters, and landfills